Friday, March 23, 2012

Rest days

The race anticipation makes rest days before events hard. The rest days after events are joyous. It was Wednesday afternoon  before I could easily move. Wednesday I had morning yoga and a two mile run later.

Yesterday I got to sleep in and this morning was yoga, deep stretches. Tomorrow will be a short run, on paved trails to support our local trails and show that we will not allow fear to rule. A crazed man stabbed a runner in the shoulder on Monday on an older section of the trail. I don't normally run on this path, but will on Saturday along with scores of others.

It's amazing how quickly weather changes. When i was in yoga Wednesday it rained.  Today it became foggy during yoga. It wasn't beforehand, which was food as I was able to see the deer cross in front of my car.

Food wise, my diet hasn't been so good. Wednesday night we had scrambled eggs with cheese and mixed fruit (strawberries & bananas); last night we had toast & jam before falling asleep on the sofa....we didn't get to the steak house after all.  This morning, I woke up hungry, went to yoga, came back and made an awesome breakfast (photo) eggs, cottage cheese, toast & jam, and a banana. Yum!

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