I chose a long time ago (11/11/11) to register for this race as it's in our nation's capital and I have family who lives nearby (read, free hotel) and thought it was something the sibling(s) and I could do together.
Spring forward several months and I realize:
a) Training for a spring marathon really, truly bites. I think even more so than running my first one at the end of October and then having Halloween (candy), rest days, Thanksgiving (pie, turkey, real gravy), and Christmas food holidays to gang up on my healthy eating. Training for a spring marathon means that you have to run long, even on those family holidays when you'd rather spend time with your parents who have had a very trying year.
b) I'm missing out on hometown celebration for St. Patrick's Day. Not that I've spent many there, but it is just that I can't be there this year where as maybe years before I wasn't able to go, or gas was high, or whatever. This year it falls on a Saturday. How rockin' sweet. Hope all ya'll in the Irish town celebrate it up!
c) I started a yoga class in the mornings. I LOVE yoga. However, since I'm a 'roll out of bed and hit the road running' person, having yoga at 5:30AM and then getting home almost 7am isn't working well for that ability to run in the morning and be to work on time. By the time I get off work I just want to go into "wife" mode (groceries, make dinner) work late, etc. Thus, I'm worried that maybe my training isn't as it was last fall and then I realize I'm being silly.
Timing is everything and I'm going with the training I have and know that I will do my best, which is all I ask of myself when I'm out pounding pavement.
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