Sunday, January 1, 2012

Celebrate the old, ring in the new

Happy New Year.

2012 has come in like a Lion. . . a ferocious lion who is very loud and angry. The wind is howling today, major gusts here, and it makes me thankful that we have no snow to go with the wind, even though I love snow and want some this winter!

Yesterday was a long run for me, 13 miles. I did this "early" in the morning as we had places to be (shopping) later in the day. For me early means darkness and I hate to run in the dark. Even though I love looking at stars and enjoying a calm peaceful evening, something about running when I can't see around me is quite scary.

Therefore, I donned my hubby's Ay-Up headlamps, very bright and Aussie awesome, and headed out on the path. My first five miles were a little slower since I was warming up and kept looking into the woods to ensure no ferocious animal (like a racoon or deer) was laying in wait for me. My fears were unfounded, by the time the sun came up I had seen zero animals. After the sun, I spied a siamese cat, two bald eagles and the most adorable black lab puppy.

There goes my mind, wondering again. second loop for my run went faster for me and I was feeling great, though my legs started getting tight about mile 12.

My husband made a wonderful breakfast for me upon my return. He says it's because I've always done for him after his bicycling rides.

Fabulous day for a run at the end of the year. No snow, no ice, no rain, and just a little wind. Thankfully today is my rest day, as the wind is horrible outside. Tomorrow I may, sadly, have to venture to the treadmill.

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