I've done it. I've created a blog for running, gluten free living, with a little quirkiness tossed into the mix!
In 2006 I chose to experiment with gluten free--not because it's a fad, but because I have relatives who had recently been diagnosed and my doctor's office refused to do the official biopsy test. I felt so much better and can tell when I have been glutenized. Three years after that visit the doctor wanted to test me for celiac. I refused, as I did not want to eat gluten for two weeks in order to prove to them that I had celiac, or at least an intolerance.
In 2006 I started exercising again, walking generally. In 2009 my friend Teresa suggested I enter a St. Paddy's day race assuring me I could just walk the 8K. I started the event, got caught up in the excitement and started running. I couldn't walk or bend or do anything later that day or the next few days without hurting though! I started reading Runner's World and other running information, I mixed running into my workout and entered a couple half marathons. I decided I wanted to get better, faster, etc, and my fabulous hubby, The Mike, found Hal Higdon's training plan. I used that, was more consistent and improved my time. Then I injured myself. . . in a shopping cart incident. After running a half marathon injured, taking six weeks off and gaining ten pounds, The Mike and I decided I needed a coach. Someone to tell me what to do, but it would be up to me to actually do the prescribed exercise. I came back from the injury, slowly and safely. The next 13.1 I knocked off some time and the one six months later I finally broke 2:30. The Coach is still there and I am slowly improving, and challenging myself. I've added races with hills--HILLS--which is big stuff for this flatlander! My PR is now in the 2:20s for a 13.1 and I finished my first 26.2 last month in St. Louis.
Now, enough about me. How about you? When did you start running or dining GF?
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