Yoga was lots of leg work today, and I love that--normally--not so much when I decide to run to/fro though! ha ha. I got ready to go and headed north towards home. . . Took time to enjoy the ducks (center bottom on rocks) along the river
Then there was another set of ducks on the railroad tracks. You probably can't see the closest one, as she blends in, but daffy's legs are showing at the end of the crossing ties.
I love watching ducks. . .how they look so still and quite on top of the water and they're treading water like a maniac in order to stay "still".
I came crossed a smaller body of water this morning--an area that fills with water during floods and otherwise not much goes out or in--and spied a fairly large pod of minnows or giant tadpoles. It was hard to tell from the trail and when I tried to get closer they all disappeared further beneath the surface! Reminded me of going fishing with Grandpa B and catching minnows for bait and then emptying and filling the trout line he had set. He'd never let me watch or help gut the fish at the farm, but would send me in to mom and Grandma B. who'd start the cornmeal breading and have coleslaw to serve.
I never know what Morel mushrooms look like, so I never pick anything wild. I'm pretty sure these are NOT the mushrooms everyone loves this time of year.
Yesterday when I ran out around the lake, I saw a bald eagle on the southern end of the lake diving for breakfast. It flew off before I got too close and without food as well. An interesting example of the eagle though, as its head and tail were mottled: mostly white, but some dark feathers still in both areas.
Lake photo via cell phone, no zoom available (sigh)
This morning as I ran toward the northern part of the lake, I spied an eagle sitting on a post at the boat ramp. I tried to sneak up on it, which is very impossible to do, and got about twenty yards away before it flew South across the lake. It was the same specimen, or at least one that was the same age, as the head and tail were partly white and still mottled with black feathers.
Sunday's meal in photographs:
Zucchini --original recipe is boiling, scraping and stuffing the 'logs'... I mixed it up with slicing, boiling, dicing and then mixing with walnuts, feta cheese and an egg. We were out of breadcrumbs, and who needs those anyway? Baked up nicely, covered for about 20 minutes, then covered for about 10 minutes.
I also baked up a variety of chicken (breasts and thighs) with seasonings for Sunday's meal and leftover for the week. Thyme, oregano and pepper on most.
We had a side of cauliflower as well. I'm trying to add in different veggies that we/I normally ignore at the store.
Saturday's meal was :
It might look good in the photo, but the fish was just 'blah'. Mac and cheese, fresh green beans, diced and boiled sweet potato and then fish with cajun seasoning and some 0% fat Greek yogurt mixed with same seasoning and lemon juice. The dressing was good, the fish was just. I don't know, it wasn't appetizing to me. I also wasn't all that hungry, so maybe it wasn't good for my taste buds at that precise moment? It is okay though; there were plenty of the potatoes and green beans (and I resisted the urge to eat the left over mac/cheese!)